
My Vision Board

Today I made a vision board. It's my first one ever and I did it on my 2009 weight loss and exercise goals. Vision boards are pretty much a representation of what you want to happen in your life over the designated period, and it is done usually through pictures and quotes. For example, if I was interested in purchasing my dream home, I would put a picture on my vision board of what my dream home looked like and then it would appear in my life. The idea is to find pictures that have a lot of meaning to you and then to look at your board each day and really meditate on those things happening to you. It can also be used as a reminder of what you need to do to make those things happen.

On my vision board I started out with the quote, "I can do this...I know I can. It's just going to take time a patience." I chose that quote mostly because the last time that I tried losing weight I lost 42lbs, but it seemed to come off so slow to me, and I gave up. Imagine where I would be if I didn't give up! Which leads me to the next quote by Robert Schuller, "A year from now you may wish you had started today". I'm sure that rings true for a lot of people in a lot of areas of their life, and it definitely does for me. Looking at that quote every day will remind me that I want to do this NOW so that in a year from now I can look back and be proud of what I accomplished. The last quote that I chose states, "Your body keeps an accurate journal regardless of what you write down". This one is important for me because I found that many times I am in denial about what I have eaten. For example, I may eat something horrible for me and I will either block it from my mind like it never happened, or I will look for all of the positives in the food and ignore the negatives, "French fries are healthy, they are made from potatoes!"

The pictures on my board include: people running, which is something I have always wanted to do, people doing step aerobics, which I used to do and would like to get back into, and of a woman doing yoga, I love yoga. I have a big "Curves" logo because I love to exercise with other people and I read a lot about Curves and found it interesting. When we move to Connecticut we will be only 1.79 miles from a Curves and I am planning on joining. There are a few barriers to jump over before I can, so I made sure to add that in hopes that it will help me reach that goal.

I also have a picture of a hiking trail because I would love to go on an extended hike with my family this year. Maybe a few days or weeks. I also have a home garden picture on the vision board because I would love to be able to grow a garden when we move to Connecticut in the Spring. There are a few pictures of beautifully fresh fruits and vegetables so that I can manifest abundant fresh produce into my life.

The last picture I have is a woman measuring her waistline. I want to have a much smaller waistline by the end of 2009!

I did my board on my computer and printed it out two times. I put on near my computer and the other on the bed stand beside my bed, that way it will be the first thing I see in the morning. I also made it my screen saver and desktop picture. This way, I will never forget! I am going to see if I can get my daughter to make one for herself tomorrow, and maybe even Rory will make one.

If anyone else has a vision board or plans to make one, I would love to see it! Sharing my board with other people helps me to make these things real to me.


  1. Your vision board ROCKS! I will be sure to make one and post it for you soon.

    Love n Light,

  2. I've made vision boards before, but never thought of doing one on the computer. What a fab idea! Did you have to use a special program?

  3. Thanks Earthmother! I have a very basic computer, so I just used Paint, but it worked perfectly. I love it because I can easily edit it and print as many as I want. There is also a great wesite you can do it on. http://www.scrapblog.com/builder/ My daughter did hers on this and had a great time.
